Contributing Scions
I have Scion Wood I'd Like To Contribute To The Exchange!
CRFG members and guests are invited to bring scions from unusual or lesser-known varieties of trees.
Please label your bags of scion wood. You can print these labels and tape them to your bags, or print them on Avery label #8164. Write the specific varietal: scions of unknown/unmarked varietal will not be accepted. Please also include the variety's chill hours and whether or not the variety is self-pollinating, if you know that information.
By donating, you will also be among the first to choose scions.
How to select and cut scion wood:
It is a good idea to clip the top of the scion at a 45 degree angle to distinguish it from the bottom. For more information, watch this video: CRFG Scion Exchange Collecting Scions.
Step-by-step instructions:
"Selecting and storing scion wood for grafting" provided by Michigan State University Extension
"How to Collect and Save Scion or Bud Wood.pdf," is a helpful instruction sheet created by Tom Del Hotal (CRFG San Diego chapter). Please note his strong emphasis on checking the dormant buds!
"Collecting and Storing Scion Wood" provided by the Watauga County Center
This flyer from the Golden Gate chapter explains when to cut scions from certain varieties and how long the scions will last:
Collecting and Grafting Evergreen Scionwood
Sample scion bag label. You can print your own sheets of these labels on Avery label #8164, or print them on plain paper and then cut and tape them to your Ziploc bags.