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Contributing Scions

I have Scion Wood I'd Like To Contribute To The Exchange!

CRFG members and guests are invited to bring scions from unusual or lesser-known varieties of trees.

Please label your bags of scion wood. You can print these labels and tape them to your bags, or print them on Avery label #8164. Write the specific varietal: scions of unknown/unmarked varietal will not be accepted. Please also include the variety's chill hours and whether or not the variety is self-pollinating, if you know that information.
By donating, you will also be among the first to choose scions.

How to select and cut scion wood:
It is a good idea to clip the top of the scion at a 45 degree angle to distinguish it from the bottom. For more information, watch this video: CRFG Scion Exchange Collecting Scions.


Step-by-step instructions:


This flyer from the Golden Gate chapter explains when to cut scions from certain varieties and how long the scions will last:
Collecting and Grafting Evergreen Scionwood


Sample scion bag label. You can print your own sheets of these labels on Avery label #8164, or print them on plain paper and then cut and tape them to your Ziploc bags.

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